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Is Buying a Boat a Good Investment?

Sarah Nadler | August 1, 2023

Boating is a much-loved pastime for many, but whether or not to purchase a boat of your own may have you stalling.

Many people associate owning a boat with a relaxed lifestyle consisting of laid-back boat days, fishing excursions, and blissful weekends spent on the water. Before diving head-first into boat ownership, many may wonder: is buying a boat a good investment? Purchasing a boat may or may not be a wise investment, depending on a number of variables and personal circumstances–especially when you contemplate what the word “investment” means to you. Let’s delve into what buying a boat affords you.

Improved Lifestyle

The typical image that conjures up for most when imagining boat ownership is one of freedom. Owning a boat–the epitome of leisure and pleasure–provides limitless options for just that. A boat offers a way to indulge in all your favorite pastimes. Love travel? A boat, depending on its size and capabilities, can get you almost anywhere. Love nature? Boating in and of itself occurs outdoors and–better yet–on the water. Love adventure? Boating knows no bounds when it comes to action-packed activities, like scuba diving, exploring, tubing, and so much more. There is just so much you can do with a boat; the possibilities for enjoyment are endless.

Check out this featured boat to improve your lifestyle: 73′ Horizon 2004 LADY LAURA

Access and Flexibility

A boat offers you not only access to explore a variety of bodies of water but also the freedom to do so at your leisure and on your own time. Whether it’s a neighboring lake, the seaside, or a river, a boat enables you to get to locations that might not otherwise be reachable. For enthusiastic boaters, the ability to encounter various water habitats and explore new locations is a huge benefit.

Check out this featured boat to access more: 64′ Hampton 2014 HAVEN

Memories and Experiences

Owning a boat is an investment in yourself and your loved ones; it sets the stage for building unforgettable memories that will last even longer than your boat. Having a boat at your disposal provides countless opportunities for deepening bonds, strengthening relationships, and getting away from the daily grind. A special sense of community is fostered by activities like fishing, water sports, or just relaxing on deck and soaking up the sun. A boat serves as a platform for exploration, discovery, and relaxation. Boating also fosters a deep appreciation for nature. Purchasing a boat is an investment in beloved experiences that will be passed down through generations, permanently imprinting the joy and sense of community of being on the water.

Check out this featured boat to build new memories: 67′ Ferretti 2019 LEGEND


Taking care of a boat takes a lot of dedicated time and work. Your vessel needs regular cleaning, service, and maintenance to stay in good shape. If these obligations are neglected, it can result in expensive repairs and diminished market value. Winterization and seasonal storage can also be time-consuming and add to the cost of ownership overall. This is an important element to consider when thinking of the financial and physical investment of boat ownership.

Check out our service division to read about our maintenance offerings.

Costs and Depreciation

Buying a boat generally comes with a large financial commitment. The initial cost of purchasing a boat, whether new or used, can be significant. In addition to the sticker price, it’s important to also account for other expenditures when thinking of this purchase, such as insurance, maintenance, mooring fees, fuel, and storage charges. Boat ownership can add up to an expensive endeavor due to these and other recurring costs.

In addition, boats lose value over time, much like any other vehicle. Depreciation is an important factor to consider when investing in a boat. However, this is less relevant with a rare or vintage boat. The most essential focus when buying a boat should be a consideration of what it is you are actually investing in.

While some people may claim that buying a boat is not a good investment because of the costs and maintenance required, ownership of a boat absolutely is an investment in yourself–a perfect vessel for building memories with family and friends, focusing on relaxation and your passions, and broadening your horizons with limitless travel and so much more.

Denison makes buying a boat easy and accessible for everyone. Ready to set sail on your own? Contact a Denison yacht broker to buy a new boat today.

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